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Do you often consider your eating habits?

Most people eat without much thought, but when taking medication, it's important to reconsider our eating habits and timing. This is because certain foods can interact with medication and lead to unpleasant outcomes. Our website, in collaboration with your pharmacist, can guide you in optimizing your medication therapy by adopting healthy eating habits.

Healthy food choices, better medication outcomes

Eating a balanced and healthy diet can lead to better medication outcomes by reducing the risk of negative interactions between food and medication. By making informed food choices, patients can optimize their medication therapy and achieve the best possible health outcomes.


You might be surprised to see the benefits your body can provide in return when you nourish it well. By incorporating certain foods into your diet, you can aid in the management of pre-existing conditions and potentially enhance the effectiveness of your treatment.

Good nutrition is essential to keeping current and future generations healthy across the lifespan. A healthy diet helps children grow and develop properly and reduces their risk of chronic diseases. Adults who eat a healthy diet live longer and have a lower risk of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. Healthy eating can help people with chronic diseases manage these conditions and avoid complications. Some of the harmful effects of poor nutrition are:
  1. Overweight and obesity
  2. Heart disease and stroke
  3. Type 2 diabetes
  4. Cancer

Probiotics are a blend of beneficial live bacteria and/or yeasts that occur naturally in the human body. Your body contains both good and bad bacteria, but an infection can upset the balance by increasing the number of harmful bacteria. To restore balance, good bacteria can help to eliminate excess bad bacteria. Taking probiotic supplements is one way to introduce more good bacteria into your system.

Probiotics, or good bacteria, have a primary function of preserving a healthy equilibrium within your body. They work to maintain a neutral state within your body, and when you become ill, bad bacteria enter and multiply, causing an imbalance. Good bacteria combat the bad bacteria and restore balance, resulting in a better state of health.

Good bacteria support the immune system and regulate inflammation, aiding in maintaining good health. In addition, specific types of good bacteria help in the digestion of food, prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying, create vitamins, protect the gut lining, and enhance medication absorption.

Your body naturally balances good and bad bacteria continually, and probiotic supplements are not always necessary to maintain this balance. Consuming a well-balanced diet rich in fiber on a daily basis can help to keep the number of good bacteria at a healthy level.

Numerous detox diets and cleanses are available that claim to enhance your immune system, cleanse your body by eliminating toxins, or aid in weight loss. However, detoxes carry potential risks. It is important to keep in mind the following information:
  1. Detox diets lack balance in their nutritional content.
  2. Detox diets do not effectively remove toxins from the body beyond what a healthy diet can accomplish.
  3. Detox diets are not a healthy method for weight loss.
  4. Detox diets can pose health risks.
  5. Detox diets can interact negatively with medication.
  6. It’s more beneficial for your overall health to follow a healthy diet consistently throughout the year than to engage in frequent detox diets.